With the extra strength series, 1:1 CBD and Delta 8 THC bath bombs and Gummies Rx Elevated freshly launched, you might be thinking, “should I try Delta 8?”

Let’s dig into why Delta 8 THC is very much worth a try and the top 3 reasons most people leap from CBD only to accessing more of the cannabis plant.

If Delta 8 THC is a totally new cannabinoid for you, check out the first post in this series, The Science and Effects of Delta 8 THC

In this post, we’ll explore why you should try this new minor cannabinoid and incorporate its powerful benefits into your wellness routine.

Three Reasons to try Kush Queen’s 1:1 CBD and Delta 8 THC Extra Strength Series

1 - Delta 9 THC Is Too Strong, You Don’t Like Feeling Stoned

Just about everything exists on a spectrum and cannabinoids are no exception. Some folx need a little more from their hemp products, while others may need less from a THC only product. 

Delta 8 THC is a more stable and less intense cannabinoid than its older cousin Delta 9 THC. This translates into the full-body effects of Delta 8 THC.

The effects are typically free from paranoia, and couch-lock, but still rife with calming, mood-enhancing, and uplifting qualities. 

Our new extra strength series features a 1:1 ratio of CBD and Delta 8 THC. The presence of Delta 8 THC, CBD, and targeted essential oils creates a deep entourage effect, which amplifies all effects. And results in full body relief. 

The 1:1 CBD and Delta 8 ratio is ideal for anyone who wants a step up from broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD products or someone looking to take a step down from the effects of THC only products. 

Kush Queen's Extra Strength Series, 1:1 CBD and Delta 8 THC Bath Bombs

2 - CBD Alone Isn’t Enough, You Don't Feel Any Relief

Our needs are all unique and change with time as we age or evolve our wellness practices. Sometimes we outgrow the things that once worked well for us and need something new to stand in its place.

Cue the 1:1 CBD + Delta 8 THC bath bombs for an elevated soak that has everything you expect from your favorite Kush Queen products. 

Or go for Gummies Rx Elevated CBD + Delta 8 THC Gummies. With 2 delicious flavors to choose from, Strawberry and Lemon, relief has never tasted so good!

If you’ve been missing something in your CBD routine, our extra-strength series just might be the remedy you’ve been looking for.

Or maybe you’ve never gotten relief from CBD only products. If your body is in a constant state of tension or stress, you may need a stronger cannabinoid ratio to experience full-body relief. Feeling seen? Sounds like you need to give our 1:1 CBD + Delta 8 THC Extra Strength series a try.

Kush Queen's Sleep and Relieve Delta 8 THC Bath Bombs in a tub.

3 - You’re Experimenting With New Wellness Products

At Kush Queen HQ, you don’t have to look far to find potent, plant-based versions of daily wellness products. We are passionate about innovation and always looking for ways to improve our existing products. 

Whether it’s bringing in new molecules like CBG, CBN and Delta 8 THC, experimenting with different ratios, or developing cutting-edge technology, our team is always forward-thinking when it comes to wellness product development. 

If you are like us and live and breathe cutting edge wellness, our Delta 8 THC products are sure to take your self-care ritual a step higher.

Mix and match blends and flavors, double up on your regular dose and feel the effects this minor cannabinoid offers. 


Delta 8 THC is ideal for anyone needing to find an effective middle ground between CBD and THC. Kush Queen’s extra strength series featuring Delta 8 THC delivers a potent full-body effect and a lifted chill that you most definitely need to try!

Shop the 1:1 CBD and Delta 8 THC products in Kush Queen’s extra strength series: 1:1 Bath Bombs and 1:1 Gummies Rx Elevated.

Shop 1:1 CBD and Delta 8 THC Bath Bombs